Here at CVM we have been working on a brand new event called 'Unschooled Ordinary Men.' Based around some key verses from the bible we love reading:
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:12-13
What happens when men face extreme storms and battles in life? Where do they go, how do they cope, get through or stay afloat? Why do men get stuck in ruts and disappear behind a sense of duty and lose connection to God, his calling on their lives and the desire to reach outward with the gospel to their communities, and mates?
At CVM we want to equip men to live bold, faith filled lives following Jesus and crucially, feel confident, resourced, and passionate about introducing other men to Jesus.
This event will explore these themes, dig deeper into who Jesus is, why we can trust him and how we can experience more of his presence in our lives every day, putting us on the front foot in introducing other men to Jesus.
This event is structured to be a bookable event in partnership with you, your men’s group/s or local church community.
If you have hosted or organised event in the past you will know that it needs a lot of components to make it work, so the following info is divided up between you, the host church/s or men's group/s and CVM.
Based on a single ticket cost of £10 per person
60-100 people £600 - £1000
Venue cost/gift £150
Printing of event flyers £50
CVM Team and travel costs £400
Refreshments £100
Basic estimate = £700
Depending on location, Nathan and Carl will often be travelling long distances, but to keep this event affordable for the local church, CVM is committed to covering any overnight accommodation requirements for CVM team and will arrange that independently.
Click on the link to access the available months and slots, fill in the form and the CVM will get back to you to begin working on the event.
Once we have personalised the event flyers and promotional material for you to distribute in your network, these will contain a booking URL and a scannable QR code.
Once a delegate has registered and paid for their ticket, the system will generate an email ticket that they can show on the day/night of the event and a list will be generated for you to use.
We can give real time updates at any point on the number of delegates and if we need to cap the event or increase the marketing to boost numbers.
If you have your own design person then we are happy to supply artwork and logos, however we can also simply personalise our existing event promotion in house at CVM and generate all the required social media images and graphics. We will also design and print flyers that can be posted direct to you for distribution in the local area.
CVM will also send out a localised email to our network in the area of the event and use our socials to promote the event too.
With the variety of church traditions and theology around worship, we would ask as a guideline and basic expectation, that we aim to worship together without any wider participation or open mic opportunities for words of revelation or prophesy at this event. With a range of people attending and hopefully a percentage of non-believers, it is important to create an environment that limits that amount of unexpected or spontaneous additions in worship. Go for songs that speak about God characteristics, majesty, authority, power, presence, love, holiness, guidance, peace, forgiveness and joy.
We would suggest throwing in a few well-known hymns or older worships songs too, and avoid if possible, words around emotional and poetic things, like embrace, kissing Jesus or being held or running into his arms. We have found that for this type of event, these themes don’t really fit or contribute to the theme of the night and the men that gather.
This event will be hosted by the CVM team; Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking.
The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event
Venue: Leyland Methodist Church, Turpin Green Lane, Leyland PR25 3HA
Time: 7:30 - 10pm
Cost: £8 per person
This event will be hosted by the CVM team; Carl Beech and Nathan Blackaby will be leading and speaking.
The event also includes worship, refreshments, the CVM resources and a free resource produced for this event
Venue: Bridge Church, St Ives, Cambs PE27 3LE
Time: 7:00 - 9:30pm
Cost: £10 per person